We promised a fitness motivation post every Monday…

Monday came and went and we totally forgot…

I guess I was having one of those days where I was lazy, I knew I was supposed to post but I kept procrastinating…until I forgot.

Why? Because I had the Blogging Blues. Does that happen to you? I’m pretty sure every beginner blogger has one of those days.

I just felt “blah”…

I felt that probably no one was reading my blog…so why bother blogging???

I subconsciously wanted to QUIT..

But I kicked myself in b*tt and told myself, “Who cares if no one else is reading!”

This blog is for ME and for those of you who find it (perhaps stumble upon it) you will  find something helpful.

It’s also an online journal of sorts.

Who knows, maybe this blog will blow up one day and I’ll become an uber successful blogger. And then I’ll read this post and remember from whence I came 😛

So apologies in advance for this late post. I suppose it’s better “Late than Never” and in posting a day late, I’m proving to myself that I can commit to this blog…and that I’m NOT QUITTING!!

So here’s the post (quote) that was supposed to be for yesterday. I guess I didn’t really have anything specific to share yesterday, but today I did, and this quote is exactly what I needed to come across.

I hope it helps you like it did me.

The best part of the words above is that it can be applied to so many aspects of our lives.

Stop and think about it…

Do you agree?