Crazy Dutch Personal Trainer Promises:
I will give you a six pack... one way or another…
Dear Sir,
Do you feel stiff and unathletic because you're stuck behind a desk all day?
Would you like to be leaner, stronger and more healthy, even though you're getting older?
Are you willing to put in some effort to make it happen, but want to avoid aches, pains and injuries?
If you answered yes to these questions, this will be the most important message you’ll read all year.
You see, there’s a good chance your current training routine is NOT giving you the body you could have.
In fact, I’d place a bet you’re not even getting close to the results you could be getting from your workouts… Simply because you’re following the wrong kind of routine in the gym--OR NOT WORKING OUT AT ALL...
You can get away with NOT WORKING OUT when you're 16, but if you're over 30, no such luck...
If we don't work on staying fit, strong and healthy our bodies decline, start to look flabby and we find ourselves getting injured much more easily.
Fortunately, we know exactly what to do to prevent this from happening, or reverse the damage in case it has already happened to you.
My perfect solution starts with a fitness consultation, for free, at your place or mine. It will only take 30 minutes of your time, and during that time I will explain to you the 3 things you should do in order to convert that one-pack belly into a six-pack—or more realistically—achieve your personal fitness goals.
After the consultation; one of three things will happen:
1) You love what I have to tell you…and decide to implement it on your own.
In that case I wish you the best of luck and ask you that you stay in touch with me to let me know how you’re doing.
2) You love what I have to tell you…and you ask to work together to help you execute it.
In that case, we’ll knock it out of the park… and that’s a promise! My clients love training with me because of the great results I get them.
3) You feel like I’ve wasted your time…in that case I will give you my Healthy Protein Smoothies e-book, for free.
Your time is valuable, and I respect that. So if you feel like I’ve wasted yours, I’ll give you my Smoothie e-book (which cost the same as a 6 pack of Heineken) as compensation, no questions asked.
As you can see, the risk is all mine and you have absolutely nothing to lose! You either get valuable fitness information, or a FREE E-BOOK….
But I must warn you. I am NOT your regular fitness trainer that makes you play on all those fancy machines that takes an hour to figure out how to use or turn on! I will make you sweat & make your muscles burn using those long forgotten dumbbells and barbells. Yup, I will make you squat and you’ll be surprised at how many push-ups you will do for me.
Still interested?
Fill out the form below and I'll get back to you with what time I have free for us to MEET ONLINE for your "6 Pack Consultation"
As you can imagine, we’ll get a lot of interest from this letter and we only have so much time available in our schedule.
Consultations go on a “first come--first serve” basis and the people we already work with get priority!

Stefan has transformed me from a chubby 97Kg to an 87 Kg different person, with muscle! I am very much stronger, healthier, more energetic and feel fantastic now.
Many thanks to the good advice, and close attention from our two Super trainers Stefan and Marie, together with their different programs every day; it has made working out not boring but fun and challenging. I really want to recommend to all.
Give it a try and you will be very happy like me.Stefan's training is Real and really Works!!
My ultimate goal is to further drop down to 80Kg and get a SIX PACK!
What about you?--Charlie A.

I lost my excess kilos but the most important result that I value was that with Stefan’s help, I changed my entire lifestyle into a healthier one, and I feel so much better for it!
Gregory Murray

I've trained with Stefan just over 3 years and what happened was... A metamorphosis! I started at over 100kg bodyweight, at 28% body fat. Over the 3 years I've lost 23kg, and according to the computer my body fat is now less than 10%... When I started 3 years ago I was close to 60, I now feel like I'm 28!
Gert Van Gerven
Thanks for taking the time to read my page.
I look forward to hearing from you and if you want to ask any questions before booking your free "6 Pack Consultation" with me please feel free to EMAIL OR SKYPE MESSAGE me at [email protected]
Yours in Fitness & Health,
Stefan Lamping